“9 pizza recipes you should try (if you dare)” is inspired by the National Pizza Day that we celebrate on February 9. and by my love for pizza.
I don’t think I will ever say I don’t want to eat any more pizza for some time. I love pizza in every shape and color. Maybe I will say pass to the new-in-town CBD pizza (due to its horrible taste) or to a nice calzone (I don’t have time to wait for a calzone to get cold).
But pizza? Pizza is like my best friend. It’s versatile, it brings people together. I have great memories involving pizza. I could talk about pizza for days. I could eat pizza for weeks. I don’t even care about clogged arteries or cellulite. Just give me that pizza!
Unless you try to experiment, at which point I might just say no. Let’s dive into the next list of unusual pizza recipes that you might enjoy if you dare to try them.
I know this is an upgrade. But it is difficult to make. It takes time and love to grow a good sourdough. It takes resources. And it takes a little bit of getting used to just discard some of it in the bin. BUT with the right guide, you too can use sourdough discard to prepare a delicious sourdough discard sourdough pizza crust recipe.

Image courtesy to The Frugal Flexitarian.
8. Almond Flour Pizza Crust (Keto)
The ideea behind keto pizza is that you should replace the flour with other type of flour. Or try a fathead crust with loads of mozzarela. I found this yummy almond flour pizza recipe and I really recomend it! It gives me crispy and it gives me delicious and I am going to try other types of dishes with this keto crisp recipe. Because it’s genius!

Image courtesy to Sugar Free Londoner.
7. French Bread Pizza Recipe
Sometimes you have at home some french bread that you will not eat anymore. And you don’t feel like making any crust. Then, why not try this delicios recipe of french bread pizza?
It might not be real pizza, but your brain will think it is, so nothing is lost, right?

Image courtesy to The Chunky Chef.
6. Naan Bread Pizzas Recipe
I always say – flatbread is flatbread Every cuisine in the world has some type of flatbread and some type of fried dough. Now, if you order too much naan bread and don’t know what to do with it, try Tesco Naan Bread Pizza recipe.
It works!

Image courtesy to Tesco.
5. Gluten-Free Pizza Crust {Dairy-Free & Vegan}
This Gluten Free Mama is a Gluten Free Queen. And the aesthetic of this gluten-free pizza is out of this world. No more talking, just more baking (my new slogan) goes perfectly with this newfound recipe! Just a quick word of caution – you will need gluten-free flour for this recipe. But go on, enter and drool at your own risk!

Image courtesy to Mama Knows Gluten-Free.
4. Cast Iron Skillet Pizza
This is one recipe that you have to appreciate. Is there a benefit to using a pizza tray, a pizza cast iron skillet or a pizza stone?
Not really.
But it sure looks better in the cast iron skillet, right?

Image courtesy to Modern Crumb.
3. Pizza Bagel Recipe
I know I’m getting the side eye right now. And for what, for some bagels? Listen. This recipe is fast and it is perfect for kids and for the times you don’t feel like cooking or ordering and you just need something delicious to eat.
Just try some Pizza Bagels. What’s the worst that could happen?

Image courtesy to Two peas and their pods.
2. Pizza Puff Recipe
This is it! This is where it all started. The moment we decided to be adventurous and try new things. Puff pastry became pizza crust and we upgraded our quick snack repertoire.
Don’t miss this recipe, you will fall in love with it!

Image courtesy to BasilBunch.
1. The Pizza Cake
The king of Pizza should be the Pizza Cake. Maybe we will cook it at some point. Maybe not. We can live without it. But it kind of makes us curious to try, right?
And it’s healthy, it has 3 grams of Vitamin C.

Image courtesy to I Wish You Dry.
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